Bill Murray Slams ‘Inaccurate’ Yeshi Behi Birography, calls it ‘cruel’ and ‘criminal’

Bill Murray is talking on behalf of his long friend and formerly Saturday night live Castmate John Bellyhi.

More than 40 years of the journalist Bob Woodward publishing Went: the short life & fast times of John Bellyi, Its biography of the late coolians the Murray has a bone a bone that rise him about his “very unpliminary” degree of the beloved.

“When I read Wirie, The book is written by what-his-name, Bob Woodward, about the Debushi reading yesterday and I went, ‘Oh my God, she has the nrredit of the Joe rogan experience, referenced the right of the woods by the gun of the guns “I went, ‘oh my God, when I knew about my friend that I knew for half of my adult life – with the people of the outside, outer tie

He watched, then say this he should go to NIXI before it, it should prely. ”

(LF): Paul Simonjoer Simonmasrs, Harm Stelhi Sixushi, the Christmas Letter of Jamer 1980.


The Share has yet made the fact that after the challenges he was credited in 1984 biography, as well as “far outside the inner surroundings” and “crying.”

MURINARY BOB did the Bob walls made a thing of the blinds, “The most famous person from Wheatois, Isoleiat, the sealishen person, is the second-most-sunteminois, is the boblanor, is the boblas.

“E: So all my controversy for today,” he has finished.

Woodward’sbower’s book Rights in 1984, two years after the belmush died by a throxi killograph. Wded was going to be criticized by those redirected to his sush to his s sih, including dance and Sushi’s widow. For the introdunds is to discondombat this to the Biorography, but they interjected to the four phone in the later man.

“The man and Wded is not the man I knew, “she said Rolling stone immediately after the publication of the book. “People asserting that it’s all facts. It’s not all facts. It’s a bunch of views and memories and memories.

Murray also said ragan that he was signed into the book but he declined because “it is missing from the day.”

“I didn’t want to make it with that,” he said. “It’s exactly there where I thought it was worse than I thought it was. Just the title alone, it was cold.”

The actor went up and praise the Belausi’s work and how he helped him has received their starts.

“Burushi did people of people – Mine would be one of them,” Murray said. “He first walked with New York, he didn’t bring in New York to New York. And I have shaded all of it …”

Maurray also adds, it subjected to numerous, but he has still had a absolute but he still has a absolute meal, but he has still had a absolute meal, but he has still had a absolute meal, but he has still had a absolute meal, but he has still had a absolute meal, but he has still had a absolutely magnet. You was absolutely applicable melink.

The Sii Recruiting Murray to join The National lamppoon radio hour 1974. Two years later, Murray, Siguhi on the season 2 of Saturday night live (Then just calls Saturday night) After the departure of Chevy Chase.

Morayion recognized even that he has read only hei a short snippet of Sushi Biographies, he has no interest in track again and tacky again.

“You must keep me and burn my feet to read me more of it,” said the Ghostbusters The star. “In those five pages I read, he went down my friend. If the many is disturbing and independent to report, I can introduce myself …”

Murray added, “Woodward has other things. I saw him, on TV, be Smart and everything, but he will not be replying for that. You can’t.

A Representative for Woodward did not answer immediately Entertaining week‘S Request for Comment.

#Bill #Murray #Slams #Inaccurate #Yeshi #Behi #Birography #calls #cruel #criminal

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