‘9-1-1’ chief and jennifer love hewitt on shocking kidnappers reveal

Caution: This item contains spoilers for 9-1-1 Season 8, episode 9, “sob stories.”

9-1-1 know how fans hold on their teeth.

For weeks, Mocca had expanded his DiGA’s DRTAFFFFIES, Jennifdi in Athna at the seasons 8 Winter greater that, unstaint, with a special episode.

Here, hewitt and 9-1-1 Showrunner and executive producer Tim Tim Mamer Entertaining week The inspiration for the stills, what it was like the intense 9111 dispatcher phone calls, and what is the Maddie

Entertainment weekly: You often take inspiration of real-livelihoods. Was this the case here?

Tim Minar: But this historically based on a real cital that gena to hear that you will not fall the start to you from a sell mine, “CULTIPE,” I’m made up for yourself, “I knew them,” I knew you the time of the Internosis, fast. (Laughs) It felt like it was time to get her out of the house.

The phone calls are fairly intense.

Jennifer love hewitt: I was really excited about them. Thank God for Tim. I mean, really, some people are afraid of doing these things on TV. They are afraid to put signs in these situations. I think that – even if, eventually, eventually, the audience, the audience always wants to be maddie happy – for me, this is Maddie. This is how to be that is, that’s how she arrived in the show. Maddie is a feral woman with a lot of gumpption that is a fighter and a survivors. She is meant for these situations. She is just. And they are really fun to play me. I have been changed these things by any person by any person by it by their very career, and he is really familiar with these things. That said are afraid of the s- out of me. Every time I love, “How do I get this off?”

How did you take it off? Did you hear the distorted voice or was anyone just lines of the screen?

Hewitts: Abigail was great, and they played with a bunch of different things, but no, nobody, but that it actually sounds like (in the last cut.) I haven’t seen things in my mind, but I didn’t know. It’s usually our script supervisor who just acts their little dogs for me. Example, we all have all the hosying at once. It was like 10 pages of stuff, and how there is a person, a person who is a person, and at a point, and, “Maddie (Maddie (Maddie (Maddie (Maddie (Maddie I’ve been thinking that that is, in the decision that she is making their decision.

What did you think about Maddie that the caller says, it should end their own life?

Hewitts: I think it’s ultimately crazy and not a well thought decision on their part. But I think it’s the survival in her bug, “I have all other people to see the other people who now save the following.” I don’t think, right now, she thinks how much that stays with her. And that’s where she is, I think that types of gravity when she is knocked over the head.

Ret. Amber Braburn (Abigail Spencer); Maddie (Jennifer love Hewitts) to ‘9-1-1-1-1-12 season 8, episode 9.

Disney / upstream

Let’s dig into it. Was it always the plan to have. Brabeburn as the kidnappres?

MINEAR: Yes, that was the plan of the start.

Hewitts: Well if we started filming that, don’t we have the full shrunk. We had just frightened a little small sections, and then we walked out after we were arranged everything all was. So (abigail and I) type must be surprised. And I think that we helped us this experience because we didn’t have the other and the voice in the “s” ( I knew but not to the full extent. So a type helped us to give us nothing.

Now the mystery is out, so what can’t expect to expect in the episode 10?

MINEAR: Amome was really allowed the setup. Everything will be at the next episode. How is she is she? And why is she? And who made these calls? Who will be turned over in the next episode. Now it’s all going and I think I don’t think that of the dark episodes we have to work.

Hewitts: The crowd is not ready. I wasn’t getting ready. It makes the Big Bagian Employees like (Maddie’s ex-man) Dullgh and I went for lunch. We just look like a little bit of bump. We had some snacks. (Laughs) It is very intense. It’s really crazy. It is a real study on Invoice trauma, people trigger points. I think of what for an extent people consider a fighter and a survivor, you really don’t have any idea. But it was as fun too. It’s a real cool a couple in that the female drives. Females struggles it out, females fight like hell, females will leave each other. It is of a female court. It really felt cool. It felt as we were some badass bags as they say.

This interview has been changed for length and clarity.

9-1-1 Air Thursdays at 8er PM it / Pt on ABC.

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