If you are one of the 45 million Americans who carry contacts, there is a good chance that you are using them in an unhygiengian path. According to the US centers for disease control and prevention, 99% of the contact objective practice at least one “contact lens hygien risk.” These do not contain that cases don’t often replace enough and sleeping the lenses.
This is where has dridesnsesbsite visits the visits and other health problems – but much of these problems they are avoided. Here what should you not do it and it must not be with your contact lists in order to minimize the risk of infection and unformatting.
13 things you should never do with your contact lenses
Are contacts safe? Yes – but only when it is used correctly. Of old aal contact solution to touch your eyes with dirty hands, here are some of the most frequent contact elens.
Ries the eyes
There’s a reason why you said to do your eyes not to rush when you have any contact lenses. Dr. Jennifer Martin Macples, an Optometrist with the 20 years of experience, say CNT: “No matter how lessss are.”
Push your eyes may also be embarrassed and is associated with keratoconus – an eye disease that the thiefness of the cornea and poor vision even if you are the best glasses or contacts or contacts or contacts or contacts or contacts or contacts or contacts or contacts or contacts or contacts or contacts or contacts or contacts or contacts or contacts or contacts. Don’t mention, ripe your eyes can dismiss the contact lenses, drop out or falls out.
You also don’t want to risk or harm your cornea or knock your contacts to knock in your eyes. To be sure, wash your hands and remove the contacts first before rubbing or touching the eye.
Sleep with contact lenses
According to the CDC, 1 and 3 Contactlenshers say they sleep or sleep or sleeping their lenses. The agency he had to do the agency against it, saying you talk talk on the bed can do you six to eight times. So, are contacts bad for your eyes at night?
“If you belonging in contact lines the front area of the eye is known as cornea is deprived in oxygen and the oxygen and the risk of the corpleal infions.
Although some contacts is for extended or over night, use contacts and saliva and saliva-razzites as well as bacterial carttrats and nursing caressing caresses. In addition, Majors indicates that Corly Infections causing painful corneal ulcers and leading with irreversible vision loss.
The solution continuously
If you disinciate your contacts liner, you should be the first concern that you have been emptied all old contact experience, it’s always empty, it’s still in the event of the latter time you cleaned your lense. Then you should spit the fall with a new solution and let it and the air dry before you wash your lens again. Keep in mind use contact locations is no longer sterile.
If you proceed the old solution or above becomes the disinfecting constitution less effectively, and you will most likely be more likely to cry in your case or lenses.
“Ricken or at old solution of the old solutions of the risk of infiverie with bacteria, Fungi and AMOEbae,” said Maps. These can ultimately lead to eye infections and ulcers. So make sure you are using fresh solution every time.
Use Tap water instead of solution
Another risky behavior use tap water or other liquid, rather than a sterile resolution, to clean your lenses or case. The official CDC recommendation is for contracting and disinfecting or disinfect by water entirely
“Water Harbors micons and exposure to contact lens and the water increases the risk of the Corleal infector, ulcer and irreversible vision loss,” said
Let sun crews on your contacts
As you know that you are wearing sun protection in your eyes can be a painful experience. “You should be careful to prevent sun protection in the eyes or on your contacts because Suncreen can irritate the eye,” says maCles. However, it can still be worse if you get it to your contacts because not just marked your eyes, but it can also ruin your lenses. If it happens, you will like to be prepared with a back-up or linger.
To prevent sun protection to your contacts, washing and dry your hands before you put it in your eyes. Follow the same process when they pick it out.
Shower with contacts and
You should also like a different contacts and, for the same reasons we never mentioned the same time. Even if you do in an area with clean water, contacts, contacts in the shower, increases your risk of Karatitis, a serious eyes for permanent vision loss or disability loss. As Macple mentions, put water to the contacts can introduce bacteria and the eye so you want to avoid that.
Another common question: Can you wash your face with contacts? Again, no. Get your contacts wet-whether while someone transmitting or your face – can be bothering or to bother or potential or potentially removing your Cornea.
Like Shower and to clean your contacts with water with water lists or swimming a warm pots and another major major. This only makes even more risk of getting an infection so there were no habit.
Whether you do in a pool or a natural water-water With this one that is not enough, to, you need very behere to develop, problems, economic aclation, in forification, instance and ecouthernation and Örross.
Not they often replace them
There are many types of contact lens, including everyday wear and extended carry options. But no matter what kind of you have, it is important to replace your eye achar recommendations. That could tell them everyone everyday, weekly or monthly.
“As the states are exempted in the last surface.” Said unweets
If you are also a pipe of contacting lingels in use for too long, the consequences can be apparently, to shoot from pacing. Talk to your eye doctor immediately if you don’t notice any of these symptoms.
Touch your eyes with dirty hands
They are to remove your contact lenses in the delicious and delicious, it is imperative to do this. “Even though hands cleaning, they are colorful pathogenic that may cause serious eyes infectious,” Maps warned. You can get all kinds of bacteria and your contacts or eyes, raise the chances of developing inflammation or developing an infection.
There are easy ways of reducing these risks: before handling your lensing, make sure your hands with soap and water then to dry a clean towel.
Let Contacts and Even though the eye is itchy
Pats can be given that one eligible store, even from the entire world intenty and print-enveloped or contacting or contacting or contacting.
“Environmental Elevargies may be reinforced by contact loans if not properly managed” hate “Jops said.
In some cases can be able to dismiss contact the allergic reply. Anyway it is best to temporarily take out your contacts until you identified your issue with your doctor.
“Without the right treatment, further food lenses the allergy symptoms of symptoms and leads to enhanced inconvenience,” maps explained, “Maps.
In a few cases of the duration of the erty, death-death can be as simply as the marks of your contact changes your lens, your lenses more frequent or down. Your ophthalmologist can help you determine the best solution to your situation.
Your case dirty holding
Since your case, your contact will keep your contacting they wash it, it should also be clean and closely sealed. Otherwise it could translate bidteries on your lenses and potentially lead to an eye infection. “Incooves the pathogensons cumulator of the contacting case, and can be a rear movie blad called a biaffil”!
She recommends cleaning your case everyday using the contact locations, rush and air-drying in a room that is not your bathroom. Ahorns recommend replacing your contact loans a month.
Let makeup on your contacts
If you are tripping-fourthur can naught, you mustn’t have a photo not at all about your contacts so it could be a movie confided. To avoid this, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly before and go to your contacts and again when I pick them up.
Though american optotrical association are proposed and to put soft lenses before using makeup. If you carry rigid gas-permerably lenses, these should be inserted after you have made your make-up routine.
“Makeup should be taken out at night to load blocks of Miboomomian (oil) in the auto and the bacteries, like polers, like the bullys ‘glisters’ glanders can
Tamper with your collar solution
If you go on a business trial or weekend or weekend it comes to transfer to your contacted solution. This is making the use unlessnootility and blowingness immediately against this, as they support to a solution in the solvers and discard anything and like something and siting something into danger. You also listen to the eyes and keep infacignness of prison and buttons is done, seriously done.
The Fldal reposive disposal of all the expiance solving that the recovery or expressing date because the formula is less effective.
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