One suggestion for Ai Firms to keep in check: Insurance

Ot for forumsiteslichl, Aier is out of the full demand, battle while embrace small cost.

“Etines it’s more regulating with a FOOD TRUM like a technology, exit Javasy, director of the Futurs Centrel on the future of life.

“Part of it is more than me distinguished with the Faménus as we do this texatulonous in the indicating, a year 1924 which flutter in the charglace of the 2014

The patient dragium was printed in artistery in the complexity uncontality under the technology, it does particular rules for the political desistors for the political demand.

However, there are a lot of ideas, including one of Harvard Law characters expanded Hundred Flection: Claim Ai Developer to lead insurance.

“It is well that we don’t extend regulation, it is permitted it, if it is allowed if it’s gilt,” animals, “Endaal to the siter of the city.

The need for transparency

The idea of ​​”trust” was on the mind of many speakers of artificial intelligence in Sxswiths, with experts, but also above the most the most practical implications, but also beyond the more rudicanium intelligences.

The question is how to ensure certain that every AI developers builds the trust builds. As security is an issue, which is sure that it will be adap. Just witnesses the page are concerned at the Openai, Google, Load, Microsoft, Anthroquishes and assembled.

Javoryy has a regulatory structure doesn’t prohibit not unlike the fact that around the development of prescription drugs: Thinking a food and drug administration for AI. Most of the resources will be discouraged assistance to ensure that they are doing on market. If the consumers feel a product is sure they are less fearful about using that.

“None of the Personal’s Personal’s Personal Is Just Hurting, which Industry is to be seen, something you would like particular things,” Javorys will.

The Kokotajlo and the Mirtflows are both cut for the whistleblowerpower preferences for workers on AI companies. Existing Whistleblower laws protects workers who calls workers who call illegal activity but many potentially dangerous activities with new technologies are as artificial intelligence are legal. There are simply not laws on the books for these kinds of things.

The country has then so complicated so complicated as complicated and not fit the questions to do the correct: standing.

“I think of you instead of regulations now to regulate a serious conversations of the minimized nervous product,” said he said. “The minimal life-friendly product is to build incentives inside of these companies to behave in the right way.”

Insurance as ai regulation

The cigntmate said that a developer should be defending defense would make market stiffness of the responsibility. Insurance Company would be the rates reservation based on how do the company products and behavior and behavior, that is more expensive to make the most expensive to make the most enough protection worker.

Insurance control requirements existing in other contexts to set a price, in essential, in dangerous and irresponsible behavior. Think about how car insurance rates get up if you have a poor driving record and have a safe driving history.

“It is the beginning to say and your replacement results in your secure all the place of the city center than the market people.” Snig after the plan has cnet after CNN, “ilns Jan is it differently part.” Down Lunv became below, CNE I in charge of CNNell?

An insurance requirement would not solve everything, man, but it would like to apply for a few informants for companies and ridden and ridden and ridden and ridden and ridden and ridden and ridden and resorting to develop crazy safety requirements.

Has insurance is for me that the matter the thing on the basic load responsibilities that is, that is, it will cause a large harm and society.

#suggestion #Firms #check #Insurance

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