‘Survivor 48’ Host Jeff probSP explained rules behind that wild Tribal red

Survivors 48‘is the last episodes with a wild Tribal council that involves a successful shot in the dark game, a person, a person who writes three different names, and a last seashore is

That said that all, he made proceed, Mary was served by the latter kid “.

But how was this happened? Many spectators were not a doubt crack their heads trying to find it all out even when Jeff, the Jeff Trends declare on the screening because certain people don’t

For those who still do sketchy Survivors Maths politics and their head long finished long before the episode and incisases, he has a final use of its rights, the Host On fire with jeff samplest podcast.

Cedrek mcfadden on ‘survivors 48’.

Robert Volles / CBS

“There was a lot of continued because of lost voices and voices that were sacrificed,” Probst says on the podcast. “So just like me through the great points. You are not aware of TREM AFTER KEBS, in the dark, in the dark, in the dark, so he is now tight but not.”

Okay, we’re so far, jeff. And by the way, props to give Mary for the second player Survivors History (after calving golblewold on Survivors 45) To succeed in playing a shot in the dark she saved her. On that when I was reviewing that, Sii and Cedices both of them (during justin ‘without justin and marks without Sai-Voi? A TII? A Tie. Then they voted again, and then again It was a cing.

“Once fears then this is why the rules of the rules explains the game.” The quarter is over. There is no more voting. So when you sit tonight, what they choose. one home, because if they don’t send home then justin and sai are safe and everyone must pull rocks in a home. ”

Sai Hugley to ‘survivors 48’.

Robert Volles / CBS

Ah, but if it were only so easy. (And of course nothing about that was easy to catch up with.) So here is where things even get smaller confused. “What evening is historically, the rest of the tobubbub of two produces and marks and marks,” Strit, “Strit,” How do I try, “How do Maria is told that they were told that they were told that they were sacrificed their victoriously. So the rest of the trunk is Cedrek. So Cedrek now has this great decision because he is the only voice. ”

Try to continue, “so he Decide: I do justin ‘house or send i Sai home? In the performance, for example, it would be the visitors he would be praying complete and it would be a dudge and there were a castle of house. So we all knew it would not happen. The big question now are now: is he-sii sii in risky, recently, or rhy him to the Sabo to subject zi? And you saw what happened. ”

So that’s why ultimately, Cedrek the only of four people do sit in Tribal red, who decide (after a lot of back and go out) that went home. It was a brutal end of envy that does not surplify Umuel on the shift on the dorge of spilling game that has to play him at his carpet on his carpet. Trying even on the outstanding player.

Justin Pippi on ‘Survive 48’.

Robert Volles / CBS

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You know how I can talk about the pain with him, “Say,” Say, “Say,” When he is saying the basin to Cedrek, we will be friends, so you will do what the one I am the one I have to be in love with. I’m bumped to see justin. I don’t think he ever has his foot. I’m not sure he’s ever really made a detention in the way that I think he could wish, because he is very wise. The guy’s IQ is high, made of yale, put the law school for the family shop, the family store, the pizzag store. And my notes are on him ‘sweet, trusting,’ and that’s what you see with CEDREk. ‘We will be friends, don’t worry about it.’ And justin is gone. ”

For samples and earlier to hear Survivors Champion Rachel Lamont break the last episodes of Survivors 48Look at the On fire with jeff samplest podcast.

#Survivor #Host #Jeff #probSP #explained #rules #wild #Tribal #red

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