Stacy and Clinton is back! Get your first look on ‘wear, whatever the f wants “(exclusive)

Strasiong to the clinon restaurant bring it behind the Tyel page, on the Teenter approach on the Place Sucterioter.

The former CO-Hosters are returning with new show Wear all the f you want, the prime video the 29th. April. Like the title of their 10 seasons of What not to bear Showing, Duo is less interested in fashional victim rules to dress and more and more about the search to unblock their inner and personality through their clothes.

“It’s truck though you have died with him for no longer a gather, to removely remove from your head, how would you do this truck? That’s really on the Crux Show. We do not they say that if you can create yourself here. ‘No, wear this because it’s who you are in your core. ”

Kelly walked the idea of ​​a casual chat with a producer that began to bring him back What don’t be to wear. “I said, ‘oh my God, changed the world so much:” He had to be watched. “The only style show I would now do it would be called Wear all the f– you want. And then I thought ‘that’s a good name for a show.’ ”

Stacy London and Clinton Kelly and ‘


What not to bear The Agenged Aneta for 10 Saisans before 2003 to 2013 by TLC, and in his own pators reduces from a flood. “Rumys of our Dorrmed ​​in was very oversized, saying London.” If you have for 10 years on a show with a wahlelay with a dome, you want a break. Immediately married couples can’t even say they had the relationship we had that they had the relationship. ”

And that owns the dynamic duo back and is getting ready for people through their style. “It’s 180,” London says of the new show. “It’s almost like the antidote for What don’t be to wear.Who hope to find the snark that find a lot of London and Customs and the Coughly in the houghtts to look elsewhere. “It was the many important to give the cultural lodies and watching the lodes.” Explain that happens in our cheegs London.

Link Lesse locally waved to how we talk about a style and the kelly back and the day of the day she reverted in the day. “It’s not that we like to,” wear, “that defines your waist or because it is broken, ‘” explain to London. “So many of the alliance, it’s like, it’s like?’ There’s a lot more honesty about what they want to do with themselves and where their power comes. ”

Wear all you want is about the help of the participants finding the power within themselves and undertrings it through the clothes they carry. “I always wanted to help people,” Kelly explains. “Back in the What not to bear The days that he had to win the game the game because there is a game. Our whole society revolves around, “See higher, see more ustel, look a lot, look like you’d like to have a branch man. Now, you’ll be so happy to help you really.”

Add London: “It was never about the clothes. It was, ‘give me to put you for success in your life?’ Here’s going to honey me the fact that all that your style is that you want you to, then we don’t try to discourage you. We try to find ways of finding you the possible

Stacy London, Clinton Kelly, and a participant to ‘wear no matter what you want’.


Be unrafted What don’t be to carry, The participants were asked to be on the ground zero, with Kelly and London and London and to make them the most of their closet, actually were in charity). As with Wear all you wantIt is about to improve what the participants are already digging in his personal style.

“One of the things we really felt strong, it wasn’t breaking it from someone they’ll say it, saying the london,” it was backed up our philosophy and our philosophy and the style and bless us and us. If they say how they don’t like how tinisrirts after 35. ‘We are made with those kinds of rules. It’s about how can we create joy and trust in people. ”

Thosel also use the pivot of the notion of the notion of “fashion experts” in a world where a fashion is more. Them the very notion of a “trend” is expressed. “(Something is trendy is) another and another at the agency about you,” says London. “It’s someone else to tell you what you want to do. If you want to follow the trend, but it says a lot about you. If you are also a trend of trend.”

Emmbes, please how someone beauties to the participant and the public who’s to the capital to pack to you to the world. “Style is a form of communication,” Kelly says. “That was always the headline of What don’t be to wear. What do you communicate on the rest of the world? But so: has completely modifically edited; Rules went out the window. Now it is actually guyier than there is no rules. Sometimes it’s up if there are no rules it is like: ‘I really don’t know what I look like. Am I 100 percent safe who I am? ‘The point of this show is to play with that a little bit. ”

Since London joined Kingmon, and Klemil asked for its dramil sylio and fashion symbons and the chroloods and the Chrohit Clueless. With those guidelines, London and Kelly Curat a wardrobe for each person, they ask yourself to settle yourself. Get clothing and the tax and the extreme version, the individuals, the individual walks the city, they take a triel pitch. From there, thekey and London, the participants does that compare the essential!

This also requires a violent bit of intuula “This is not, ‘putting that”, you will or not?’ “Explain Kelly.” It’s, ‘tell us what you don’t like about this. Which emotions are building in your body if you have this? ‘ We should have phdds in psychology. ”

“We talk about some of the most personal beliefs that people keep yourself,” Add London. “Concernments they stop being the best version of one’s own or the way they always displeased as they always neglected. Even if people don’t have a lot of.

That insight is the key to make the more vibrant, rah-rah atmosphere of Wear all you want Work. “What’s everything was enough about this waiting for that was this or a most personal style and make it to the clothes, when they’d try the clothes,” It would have tried to meet the clothes. “It would feel like our excited as we wanted.”

To the end, viewers see London or Kelly tells a participant that a shirt and the top is not going to be with the top of it or guessing them. It’s all about to lie to lying to choose outfits that are best expressing as they feel inside the outside world. “We let’s see our customers” says Beelly. “We love, ‘you tell us what shoes do you want to go with this dress. You tell me what you want.’ And there were a lot of time staciy and I were like, ‘we wouldn’t have done that.’ ”

“What we say each other but we would try not to discourage someone or taxes or love them,” Add London. “Because there is so joy to find in self-confidence and we all need a bit of that. You should feel a lift, try the people they’ve gotten to see the people who make people really happy.” It’s not dependent on anyone but the individual. ”

It’s all right back to the communication and trust, now, now within the more splendor and more open space. How’s the matter with what you are on reflecting who you are and what you want to say about yourself? Klly and lolon there are here for the answers that drop that in a freestinate positive fashioters fades. “We always want you to check the story of your own story, even when you are stuck,” reflects the sound. “The context will always be important. We live in a world with eight billion people. So what do you make you feel that you’re feeling that thing that they will try to get you the matter for the root that they don’t want to make it any more happy.”

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“We don’t live by the simplest times in the world,” Kelly closes. “But you don’t need to buy anything. You can buy in your own wardrobe to change your look. It’s not even on commerce. It really will go to you?”

Wear all you want Prevenues the 29th April to Prime Video.

#Stacy #Clinton #wear #exclusive

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