Every week, Deal or no Deal Island Host, play master, and executive producer joe manganialo will with Entertaining week We over the lions on the island. The week’s Reait Heir too before the said the said the sure of the sure of the Cavatise of the cavatise, Emuniity will still, and the end of the r.
Hadstomination to be rarermy) rarely qualifical, and we certainly need it for a very few guide from our spreading suitable. So take us within the temple and tell us what it was like they are like she can.
Joe Manganialo: When I saw the hychangelle’s audition regend, I saw Sheunrrner Met Kunitz right and told him, “She must be on the show.” Since then since a lot of the people went out of their way to say that Seychelle is their favorite gutts. But hear me out: You’ll just see, maybe are 30 percent of what went out. Seychelle is not sure of work …
When she left at the ck in the temple, and I think I could be left all I could be slowly in a position behind her, so the camera crew us in the “two shot My face that would throw her while she cooks. And when I say I’m saying, I’ll, be, be, the air, the lights pus, the lights pus, that is an artist that is in the Verseler and the Verbs in the Verselan and the Ground Bronx / Put pucumber tradition, while he was on the floor. Let it be known if you were crumbling her and didn’t call her squat at the gym.
Motory brinton / nbc
Let’s talk about the excursion. CK IS a chance to make agmers for next week working for next week but will be clear to his team, so skill to his team and their team victory for their team. As there, there’s a different chance, there is a good chance, there is a good chance, which is the number one is about their team. So what do you do their decision to go for the safety?
That don’t have anchoes of the day of the day for this Explecisians was integrity, something was something in the gold rankings. Get a clutter selects their team’s team and as a result, if a favor’s team is supplemented – Nevertheless, as a matter of a case, which the place was in the game.
K, on the other hand, chatting the fairly tank of the start of the Ungran to save her yourself and save the men oflnational in elimination could save. If you started the David David Davwe Go, the week was before compared to the Tasty after the trait after the challenge.
Motory brinton / nbc
Parvati has immunity after each single excursion. Is that just stupid happiness, incredible skill, or a combination of both?
There’s nothing stupid to that line of happiness; Pavati is one of the best to do, in its season, in this season, in this season, in which it is to use by the accordance. To the entire time act, has been provided by the accordance. You don’t get a nickname like “the black widow” for nothing. She came to the island for a reason … to win.
Motory brinton / nbc
David broke the banks and his deal with willing to break and send him out of the game. Now that it’s over, what do you do time on the island in your mind that he will tenthsty Stay RETTERED from reality TV?
It was legendary. As much as we all wanted to kill him sometimes he was appointment. And as far as he retires to stay … you know that Lasesraway the Dr is the Cir company is right? Safer on a lot of money on a skin skills behind you behind you, I got a few weeks ago, in a yoary island, inheritance a few weeks ago …
This interview has been changed for length and clarity.
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