Everyone has LA Shell Wocks on Deal or no Deal IslandIn the. So why aren’t they playing anymore? LA Shell of Shellar Social Game seems to fail if the Parvati flattened her against the banker, and then it eliminates it.
But was la shell ready to go? In their last words, she noted that “it is probably a little more much more than a bad game than I am part of.” Maliciously. Was LA Shell Contents to leave the game? What is she doing from the big parvati and Phillip Slomon splitting? Where do she standing on the controversy courtney “ck” kim? And would she actually stretched the Dickson Wong, she slapped the banker? We have the 55-year-old social worker all that asked in more and more.
Motory brinton / nbc
ENTERTAINMENT WORDS: I had multiple people tell me how well your social game was. So what happened?
LA SHEEL WOOKER: I know we were great my social game. Moupen Game went … I needed a help. I feel like all of you and Temple, it’s a very strong strong happiness of happiness and a little calculation. And so in this round it was just between me and the Dickson. It was just the following two of us that who has set up. I think when it was a third person, but I moved but I was, and I had, and I had played my game.
When I came into this game I thought myself just there are just one winner and I hope but I want to have fun in the way. And if I have come to brand the filc and in last stages and i had to be playing, I also succedding such a little bit selection. I really wanted to believe that I don’t play but I think I was doing well. And be so seriously if I not wanna wat I’m gonna let you socially wonderful on my own difference and I want to lead a significant proprote.
Motory brinton / nbc
Yes Joe asked the question: “What is more important, security or money?” It really is the question all player faces against the banker. It seems that your answer was money and you just tried to build the pots a little bit more, even if it was for someone else. Is that right?
It is, because I really play the Karma. I think the way chips you don’t have nothing to do with, but I wanted to add what I could hope I hope that I hope that the all activity in other situations and other situations and other situations and other situations and other situations. So that made me feel good.
Why did the paravati set you against the banker instead of Dickson?
Honestly, I think she was in a hard place. She promised to keep me surely playing, but what had played their very game he did the Dickwal good game, and there was only some people. I don’t know if she was calculated what it looks like she is going back to the camp and she’s setting up a dicks, what would she have other alliances about her? And so I just think of a decision. I also think that they had a lot of faith in my positiveness, take me a long way-and the Dickson is a little more of a nervous character than me. I don’t think it was a simple choice to do. I really wish it was at least one more person they had to choose, but that’s not like they played.
Motory brinton / nbc
You said after your elimination that “it is likely to be a little more of an evil game as I am a part of.” What was it to deal with the aspect of the game, and was a part of you, that was like (maybe go out is going out is now in the next level? “
Divide alliances of the people and backstabbing and lie and malicious – perfectly well. I’m a thratpist, a coach, a social worker. I’m busy with type of the worst things in the life of the people so I was fine. I didn’t mean to come to a point where I It should earn, stay alive. I wanted to proceed this one, that it’s just just as I’m just right on one’s own skills and social security that is disposed of me to social disposal. Expiced why we was no longer stronger, but had been so much as I’ve laughing when I got up to each quichens on the other. ”
Why did you withdrew and let David and PARvati go over the Gorge and get the last two cases in the exit?
I was definitely not done! Lent, If I be here well ineswhle out this one, we shock this challenges. And I knew the one thing that was a difficulty for me is heights. Anything else I can go formerly around and could leave yourself. And it was already at two height challenges. And jump for the rank.
And then with the sound of the water …. because in my mind I thought, “This will be like a zipline.” I could do this. But then I realized how I read the description, “I need to pull my own body weight.” And not a survivor’s LA Shell, so I thought, “This is where you don’t want you for you because I didn’t want to override in an ambulance.
Motory brinton / nbc
Would you have eliminated Dickson would you have struck the banks?
Really are real?
No. I wouldn’t have it. Dickson and I had a conversation before we knew one of us and we agreed to wear that we don’t take each other. But I said that I was saying I would fear their decision to take his chances of his odds and check his own fate and control. So no, I wouldn’t have a dicks out.
Whom would you have taken out?
I’d do the lee. The reason why I have taken it out is because at this point in the game, I look at the physical. I feel like David and the Parvati super strong, not just because they won Survivors – Interspansion I don’t even know that they can be taken for, “Pharky He, the pharani, the only elections, and the only vote, and the doubter, in prits were having. To me, physical, she was the biggest threat in the clutter. It is huge, she won almost all challenges. She has happiness on their side. For me to continue, it would be smart for me to take her.
So paravati and the Phillip were super closed and they weren’t. What did you do what happened?
I really don’t believe the great close proximity. I helped that Phillip has played the game. He knew the pravati was from SurvivorsIn the. He’s pulled that they had skills, and I think he was for him to call him in her bud and her buddy with her with her. But I never really believed that she has his back as she said. I didn’t believe they had someone’s back. And that was even before I knew she played SurvivorsIn the.
But I could see it, just come out because of, because Parvati do everything she must and tell what she needs. In the pillIP is really rootized a little more weight, including in play. So if he hear the things like that, and I’ve seen him it made it with other people in the game, he is like, “Oh no, I’m playing with you, I will play with you, I’m having you my eye.” And he is upset enough that he faced her immediately what I thought for you.
Motory brinton / nbc
Ck really was with the karling to beat you the dealer but some others were not to love from her outside. What was your take on ck in game?
I really love her. Ck and i was together as we travel to the island. We were sitting with each other, so she was the first person I want to meet. But what I have learned about kk, whole goal in the dec goal to end. That’s the number one. I don’t think people knew that. ‘Who is the sicken created for the captains and the requirement of where she had all the guys in their point of view. She be sure to stay safe and all those who were the others were on the other side we are all safe.
But she is a very intense players and she is a strategist. Her mind is always going and she gets very emotional about what she has to see, and I was really there for a kind of balance that is for her. But she gave me all the way through protected. About I, I had almost almost that game, and I was in the first one to think about someone whom they are because of allias with what they are about to do with all the scenes. So I am grateful for her. I really love her as a player.
You have in principles applied for the show because you are curious about what reality show-application has just been thinking that the application has been thinking about questions. Did you end up doing at the present show fun?
I really had more fun than I thought. I went through all the stages of the grief, right? I accidentally applied. Then I found out the way, “Waiting you are actually on the show.” Then I went to a panic where I do what we were there. And then when I came there and have begun to meet the gun and worked as I saw myself for the challenges I have a ball. I had a great time. I would do it again.
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