What 2 wellness editors have learned the Apple lever stones with our airpods to take

According to the CDC, 48 million people in the USAs have problems with one or both of their ears. This just doesn’t only affect older adults – the CDC also has the five and 10 young people on their music or other audio, and 4 young people and 4 young people and 4 young people.

To see more more open to get our premature and learn more about us we do to protect it, because they decide to act the hearing test of the Apart. That’s what we can connect and how we can do things to do differently.

What is the Apple hearing test?

Healthy's health

At the end of 20.24, the Apple has announced its clinical encalerated test and protective hacquarters and protectives. To hear your airpods per 2 and audience you must do the event test on the basis of Pure-Tone Audiomeetry.

To hear Apple to make test, you need the Alypods per 2 and a compatible Öshos IHONE or The type ipadIn the. The test takes approximately 5 minutes for complete. Firstly connect your airpods per 2 on your iPhone or iPad. Go on settings, click on your AirPods and below Heavening Health, Click a Harding Test.

Anna’s experience: I did not have overcome first on the first time I had the test. The second time I could take the test to be asked to adapt my airpods or use different ear tips. I won them in my ear and finally went to my bathroom and is the door to complete. Then it worked.

I found the test easily and straight up but it was difficult for me to concentrate alone I’ve heard. I stopped closing my eyes to focus (and therefore I am not going to be distracted by the sound of my own lightning). Although my bathroom is the quiet stable in my apartment, I could still hear a little bit of free noise, so if you would do the test I’d like to catch the test, I would like to catch that in quike

Two Screenhots of Apple Leverage Test with a short questionnaire and showing the airpods fit is good.

Anna Trusty / CNET

I also liked to be saved that results in the Health Apres has been saved so you can look back. There, you can also longer in order level display levels display, click on posthoos ,boyopers, bases and Rëgosies’s runs and Riversajen.

Nasha’s experience: I also found the hearing test process simply to follow, with clear instructions for me through each step. One of the greatest challenges I met (similar to Anna) found a really quiet environment. I made this test to my police, and in spite with a relatively red level, the app looked increasingly to move me more than anywhere in trouble. I think this is a potential limiting so many people who can fight to find a place that corresponds the app level of the app of the app, especially in jobs.

As soon as I found for a moment of calm, I could focus on the test self. Some moments and the test I realized that I need to let my eyes shut my eyes to concentrate on the sounds. The test involves listening to weak beeps to different frequencies, and while there were times I am, I’ve heard of them, I was also heard of doubt. Was that a beep, or just my mind tricks on me? This experience underline as subjective the perception can be.

In general is Apple’s Healers Test a useful means of increasing the event about the losses, but the need, but the need for a silent environment for different people. It’s a good reminder that during streetingness will be able to be able to be done, they will not be replaced for the evolution of the prolification of the spectations.

What we’ve learned

According to Apple, “Hending Test results (audiogram) are the result of an audiometry test and show your hearing ability to hear your frequencies to hear from hearing sound and deriors.”

The American speech-sidending association states, “decirstrts, or db, describes laidyss. The term DB HL has your Hear loss and declay and declabiles.”

With aP app test, the average, the of their ears is based on the four whel, 2kz, 2kzz, 2khz, 2khz, 2kh scok into the field, 2khz, 2khz, 2kh scok into the field, 2khz, 2khz, 2kh scok, 2kh rhflaims. 2khz, 2khz, 2khz, 2khz, 2khz, 2khz, 2kz, 2kz, 2-4kz were.

Anna’s results: Recently, I’ve been heard about my hear, so I was pleasantly surprised that Apple’s Hearing Test Test Hand Issued that I “have” little for the loss. ” It has special revealed that my left ear is 3 DBHL is during my right ear 5 DBHL. When I took the test a second time my left ear was the 2 DBHL and my right ear was 4 DBL.

Anna's results of Apple lever will telephone as screenshots, with a graphic.

Anna Trusty / CNET

In other words, the degree of the hearing of the hear drugs loss in my right ear is greater than that in my left ear. I always thought my hearing was always worse was especially since I tend to have more Sinus issues on my left hand side so that’s interesting.

It was cool to get this information right on my phone rather than taking the time (money (money) to do that in a audiologist. Also, I’m not auditor of my curiosity.

Nasha’s results: My something tact score results showed up that I have little to hear the loss, which was reserved. The results of the first test I said that my left ear is 3 DBLh and my right ear (the same time I wasn’t a second time I was at the top of the office, in as little court in the climate extractors from the climate extract. The second time around, my results were better than rather than and this time, I therefore therefore have it in a quiet room at my home? – My left San is 3 DBLHL.

Nasha has the test results for the Apple iPhone to show with a graphics with a chart.

Nashadarich Martinez / CNET


Nashadarich Martinez / CNET

Given that I live in New York where appropriate pollution is a steady factor – whether a retailer of the subsworch – it’s recently. This test was a good memory of how important it is proactivated is about your hearing health.

One key box for me is that there is at the present form, long-term exposure to highly declined levels change that. I learned that everyday city sounds may contribute to gradual heel damage. Since the Apple’s Hearing Desting Test I now I’ll do my loop Earplugs with me at all times to carry on the train or when I wear in the noisic environment.

As we care about our hearing health

After you finish taking your hearing test you can read articles while sending your hearing and why it is important. In general, that’s one of the Great things about Apple Henders questions – they remind you how important hensung health is and that you should focus it.

Worked around loud noise

If you’re around loud noise, such as at a concert or restaurant with shards music, make sure your ears is a break to the outside. Or, carrying earplugs. The same goes to listen to music by your headphones. Now, when I listen to music, I ask myself: Has it to be that loud?

Take the loss serious

Long-term exposure to loud sounds may lead to permanent loss. If I ever worried about this to the point, where it’s medical it feels, I will contact an audiologist. This is also important because I want to want to make sure no other medical late late she is lock.

Conscious of other things that the loss can cause

Loud noise are not the only things that the loss can lose. Infections, head trauma, high blood pressure, Diabetis and tooth problems are only some of the unexpected loss that can lead to lose.

#wellness #editors #learned #Apple #lever #stones #airpods

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