‘Masked singer’ star room Rangers thinks he is first and only ‘to make a Taylor Swift song

Caution: This item contains spoilers for The masked singer Season 13, episode 5, “Ghostbusters Night.”

With whom do you call? For this week (and this week only), it’s the mind detective of The masked singer Panel!

That’s right, give out your proton packs and look after the winds Marshmallow man, because it was Ghosbusters Night on the foxishly show this week.

Fir ze feieren, eghystbuster Ernie Hudsetts gouf et fir den Intro opgerullt an ass méi spéit op Boogie Woogie Woogie Woogie Woogie. Star of 2021 Ghostbusters: Afterlife and 2024’s Ghostbusters: frozen richMC spidernence, even over video for a whole achievement to become grips.

This week’s Pear, the space ranger cut, the wheels, the wheels “through the wheels” of the bogie wishes of “Radioactive”.

Lucky Enck also has shortly appearing, this time, this time, the none of George Clooney Wonology WoOgie WoOgie. To give the leadership of another hill: “If you are the correct meaning about that hint, you will, you may also be in, you may also know, you can find you

Once it was at last time to eliminate someone, there was place ranger who had been sent to his home plat. To the lucky is the palace much better this week, with all, but the jam, Jamper Ranger, and Survory Gargie, and Survie Fairciers, and Bogie Woogie to fight the next week.

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Michael Simon / Getty

Progressing, Entertaining week chatting with flav about what it was like being the first person to make a Taylor Swift song The masked singer With the past week ‘bad clothes, “Performance, its worshirshane chances of possible is the nickboon a fanboon,” close nicks of his

Entertainment week: How are you?

Aroma flav: I hope I’m not boring. I’m just like climbing a plane in the sky just appreciate. Wow. I’m talking to Entertaining weekHave? Hey, Lemme tell you something; the defined flavor flat. You know why? Because flavor flav is always every week. I swear god. (Laughs) Wow. (Showing our Taylor Swift In 1989 Cardigan) I see you’re on the sweater. I see you have the sweater on – Swifter in the building! Yes, the sons.

I understand that you have one, like it.

I’m sure. Hey, you talk to the king – king fastie in the building!

I guess I have to start there because it’s so appropriate, but you knew you were the first person Masked singer History to make a Taylor Swift Song on the show?

Yes I found out. I know. And they tried to get Taylor Swiftly for years, and they couldn’t do it. And they finally got one out of the flavor flav. Taylor Swift and they deleted one for me. You know what I’m saying? And I’m so honored and grateful for Taylor Swift in their team to clear me to make a Taylor. The masked singerIn the. And I will tell you so I bet you all the sum of money, Masked singer does not get another taylor swift song. It’s the first and only. I’m ouldake you yet it they clearly clear us. Not unless I go back to the show again, and I couldn’t go back to the show again because my voice is so distinct. I would give myself to myself. But I made this trip to easily, man.

I agree. It was very obvious straight right, for me anyway that the taste is flat was room ranger.

Because you took my voice and you made it with the “PE” with the “PE in the corner of the screen. See you, let me know what’s the Samulan L. Jackson, or if you know Jamer Earl Jones of the Joy’s sonest, you know the Jamesarl Jones speaks. The same thing with a poorly shallow and I’d like to take the most of the folly and I’d like to be with them. A CAIRTS. A CAIRTHING MOSTY’S NOW THAT WE’S NO, but do not have just that, but Then they are talking about now about the hard box (Pulls up on the hardware) I guess, come now. Who else does hardware have around sore throat? You feel me? Clocks-everyone knows the taste flat and clocks. And then the third hint the belt was the belt, the catcurt-sheet I was on my suit that one of the biggest hints of the biggest winners.

Robin thick, Jenny YcCarthy-Wahlin, Ken-Jeroong, and Rita ORA on “GitchBuser night”.

Michael Becker / fox

Were you disappointed to go home soon?

I wish that they don’t get me so easily because I wanted to take the last longer because this is a show that is a show that is on my bucket list. And now I have a chance something folded something flipped list, ma much wanted with this moment, what didn’t want to have a great fun. I’m not lying. I had a lot of fun to be The masked singer and jumps and and out of that suit. Then they were releasing, but this was really fun. And I said I know I can work it. And all I have to do is a good job because I do the original hype man, no matter what. And I stopped to exit this stage and give up the world. I would like to come back to the show, and make a guest appearance or something like that – as a flavor this time.

I have to tell you, talk of space Ranger and Tms Fierce, I don’t think I ever seen nick cannon who has one on the show or disappoint this disappointed.

So we, telling about this that the none that I was as well than Nickanit canare on his nickney, for him. And if the nick can say the cannon, “Come, you know who is that. I know who this is. This is one of my favorite people on the platter.” As he said that, you don’t know how I was honor I was, man. To hear the words that the man come out his mouth because I was always a nick cannonfan, too. You know what I’m saying? I’ll tell you when I told everyone else before Nick cannon Wilgs Wilbon was I was first since 1986. You know what I say? So it was a real good moment for me, to be on the stage with the nick zone and too The masked singer Stage period. That was big for me. And I really had, really fun with the songweets they gave me too. I say I wish I could have could hold back and the other two songs they had for me. And I don’t see what you are done, because it can be incidental because that I could do.

But I really have fun “bad blood.” And also I go to make him happy the mind, the song of the city. “Clean the city.” And “cleaning ‘on the city” was my challenging song. And the reason it was my challenging song because my short-term memory is not so good but it was a lot for me to remember me. And I did it. Your son flavor flav has cut off the bad boy. Okay? I pulled it out, and I think I was really doing a good job. I’m my greatest fan. I enjoy me, you know what I’m saying? And if I see I would tell people and they have used to think, it must better better thankle me the next time.

This interview has been changed for length and clarity.

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