Read an exclusive exception of ‘evil’ prequet ‘elphie,’ Gregority Maguire’s Upvervide

It couldn’t be easy …

So the glinda of Elphaba’s childhood in the hit musical Ugly, NEWS I am still an added and lower-little global phenomena. After bics the music of the Certultick magazine period of period of Ravman lad by Ravman lame as only the SHA LAUGETS, for a to young Elphaba.

The 25th March, Maguire will publish Ethhihe, E Prequell zu sengem originelle Roman déi jeemools jonk Elphoba seng Erléisung an hirem komme vun hirer Arrivée um Shiz an hirer Afrika an hir Afrika a Finda a Linda a Finda a Finda.

Roman follow the green and all-to-relatable young girl than they of two her mother melisnuality and her father freex is appreciating. Elmpie must sprinkle with ordinary sibling and jealousy as their siblings, the holy nails and criminal-minded shell, come.

The newplace also proves a dimigagister of the first attacked with the animal old and languages ​​have provided with people and provided with humans. Of their first messy attempts for friendship on their introduction and love to see education, ELOLICY Stacking the blame of a witch, and every paths trying to do, slip, slash, drowning, and aspigent.

Entertaining week May share an exclusive excerpt of the novel, with an early repetition of a monkey, that seems to hug her. Reading for more.

Karis Museongole has played young Elphoba and ‘bad’.

Universal pics

And here in English alone, yourself alone in the city center. It’s highly nonon, though the thick jungi can evoke too few directed sunlight to prove the moment. Everyone is busy. They don’t know why. Nessa has the Rhehmy box and stays in the girls. TI’imit and Boyzy are constructed in BOOZY’s tent, and the flaps are tied up and go away, don’t let us know. Nanny is distracted in the Melesa quarter. Melea did not open for several days. Anyone alone, simultaneously has Felx a canoe a brief of distance to take out some shops and the sash from the rice market as a source of possible concisely convertions. For the first time Eliphie – good, what is she?

Is it loneliness or is it afraid of? She is not sure. There’s all this discussion of the migration of jungle cats. They steal insufficient by the growth around her, she can tell. Today the adhesive of emphy left alone. Probably in the hopes that she is eaten alive. It’s not fair. Nessa is safe in their cot. Only elhie, stand in the middle of the circle of tents. Let cats come and get me. It will serve you right when I’m dedicated.

She begins to build a little. As she was younger, Nanny’s nanny and hully and hushabies and husha-husha songs but it’s sometime since music that stamp of camp. Elphie twists their fingers and make up some nonsense words. Soppaa sappladada mappladada, anyone one, twiddishdledy piel. He-Body, Who-Body, Me-Body, you body. Riddle-that reeIn the. They barely realized that they sing. The words will come spring with a melodic intention so their voice just follows the following.

And this is when she is doing the famous of the master’s famous monkey.

She doesn’t call it that first. It’s just a creature on the side lines, crouching. It looks like it eats his own knuckles. More or less easy from Nessa – in fact, at the shoter, EFILI would supported that it would be made in more mobility in the European.

It turns on the sideways as if it is shy, but it doesn’t go away if elhien is a half steps take forward.

“You’re a bad little piece of monkey store,” says the girl.

The monkey swive their heads a quarter-thrown and bes’s significant exposure of teeth. It’s not a smile, and Elphie has to troll for someone.

But all the autkes knows how to hide themselves if it wants it. So this nyzy bundy of fuzzy shadows has joined his own design. It’s even it really there, or is elhiey it out of bored? We are allotted-in-time of rounded. “Wathanin? What do you want?” The creature will not help her to figure it out but still it’s not flipped. It makes his mouth one more time with a shocking hind jaw. At the first ephie thinks that you go. Then it gets it, maybe, and represented with some more ribbbony phrases. “Pumpernickel-skirt, snickers snock,” they sings. To this World peace and determine the ground to ground into the grounds. It’s something in one of them. His mouth climb and its aucities lower, as if when they sleep. She’s hidden it out of hidden hidden, that’s what she is done.

Better ghosts company than nothing at all. It has a little healthy and holding his own elbows, a gesture that doesn’t like very much like one of Nanny’s. Out of green Jungel Air Elmpie creates an Aria to piss it forward. To have an audience spurs inventory. She tasted a crescendo, and the upholster-monkey is in a brick. And then –

“Elmpie, for the love of Lurdline, stop the Caterwaurge,” Hollers Nanny. She and Boyzy Blows at the same time from their respective tents, because Melea has a bad dream or something that’s screamed. May be outlined elhie? Anyway the girl can see how or where, the upholster-mehen disappeared.

She is angry. Leaving her all the whole morning, and just when something is inappropriate, do it.

“Boyzy, some coconut oil or tortoise butter, I need to be the rings of her, she complained of the printing. Elmpie, tends to be your sister!”

Elmpie tries to sing their new Kannitch from the Singing on her sister that’s getting used by Nanny’s reputation and the facility and service. But first elhie rocks the grass where she thinks she has seen the creature. On the ground lies the little pair of tendhore is missing.

Are 22

In the evening light says Nanny Elmpie that she brings her little sister around so they visit with her mom who feel bad today.

“Today and every day,” Says Elphoy, who doesn’t the difference between poor and bad and happy and happy and happy and happy and happy and happy and happy and happy and goddess and matest and goddess and matest and goddess and matest and goddess and matest and maters and matest and matest and matest and matest and matest and matest and matest and goddess and matest and matest and goddess and matest and matest and matest and matest and matest and matest and matest and matest and matest and goddream and matest and matest and matest and goddream and matest and goddess and matest and matest and matest and matest and matest and goddream and maters and matest and matest and matest and goddream and mate.

Molea is in a point of view of the dishbbbler, but this is normal for her. The girls may not have noticed unless it is so very much exposed. “One Eat a large lunch, “says nessa.

“Come to Mama,” says Melea. Her hair is lying on her pillow. She’s a little showed up. Nessa falls their nose when elhieny is closer. Melea stretches their arms out.

“What happened to your rings, they ran away,” The Nessa, peering on her mother’s fingers. None of her own, nessa always have and her mother open.

“They just cut right off, it’s not,” says nanny. She prepares a basingen of hot water and soap and soap and fold a stack of small flutters.

“I couldn’t wear the chiing.” Melesa’s face twists. Nanny has some coded directions, the Melena noticed their teeth against the Ailment but back to himself. “Elmpie, you file things from here and there? Boozy and the others say that we develop objects of their own and walking it.”


“You don’t tell me any case. Quick them out, elhie.” Many this is requests in their older daughter and Nangy Health on the name, where the Nutch, where the kemps in the Nothing, in the KEEP, has disalfort. “Nessa, tell me,” Says her mother, “is Elmpie a good big sister for you?”

Nessa writes. One of the more expressing physical gestures that she can do.

“I want you to be fine, elpha hurpp,” says Melea. She says twice more until Elmpie finally ends at last their chinns and let her mom look in the eye. “I didn’t say that before, but I’m saying now now. I want you to tell me that you hear me.”

“Oh, I to hear You: “Is elfie, too hunting one of holanders, but exercise.

“You hear me and you remember what I’m saying.”

“I found the missing tongues in the grass.” Elmpie takes them from their pocket.

“I know that you had one, they say,” says Boyzy who arrived with some evil tea. “Give them here, you pushing deep.”

“I’ve never done, I never stole them or it upset or worn something.” Elmpie, hot and causes of the judicial to himself. “I think there is a single monkey hang around the camp. It is stuff done.”

“The monkeys all fled out, swings through the trees, they don’t have a jungle cats no more than we do,” says Boyzy. “They’re wise and they hold on to their own kind. No rogue monkey is hung around us, elhhie.”

“Elmpie, Sponses No Nonsense, you don’t make it worse,” says nanny. “Stop doing things that’s all. Go your mother now a kiss. She didn’t feel yourself.”

“Then whom do you feel?” Ask ephhie.

Melesa’s face contorts. “I feel like a muscate in a baby hippo. You girls are better.” Full- Body Bange Wriggles her for a moment. If she can catch their breath: “We have a baby brother or sister for you soon. Elmpie, not steal moreIn the. ”

“If I don’t steal anything yet, I can’t do more of it and I cannot do less.”

“Merciful, the mouths on you. Go to the Low School, if they have a girl like you. If they also take girls. Good, my darlings.”

This is the only goodbye, casual, has walked down a damp cookievel. Bye bye.

They leave as a Frex has arrived at home in his punt. TI’IMIT ABOUNTS FRIEX HAVE NOT WELCOME IN THE TAINT WAITING BY THE HOUR. FREEX does not hold with that paasant ban. He is going to greet his wife and to pray for her. He was many agree that this was the big problem. Men visit their women at birth is not done.

Out of the book elhie of Gregory Maguire. Copyright © 2024 of Kiamo Ko LLC. To publish the 25. 2025 And permission repeated.

#Read #exclusive #exception #evil #prequet #elphie #Gregority #Maguires #Upvervide

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