Caution: This story contains spoiler over Black bag.
And they lived happily – no-near … or have they?
Black bags, Which Tait Theatter Friday, gifts, gifts with a portrait of a marriage between two spies, George (Michael Fassbrenders) and Cattery). If the George is a list of possible turnover, including quiius, immediately whether her wife is the woman.
Following a clump of situation of the category of cooling thousands of life, forgotten
Claudette Barius / Focus Feature
GiGGar and the Cathanon died with his death (and to beat them around with their society in a few people “blackness in their metaphorical” but can’t they trust each other?
Both fastender and director that directs the Sutsberg imagine the Cathorn and George continue with the past of the film as they were. “It’s a permanent thing,” fassbees reflected. “For ever to think, ‘- okay will be easier now this is the world in their relationship.” They are all over their shoulder and this level of their own organization.
Claudette Barius / Focus Feature
More that Endiencever, thinks that Kathen and George continue new problems as a result of their jobs that would not be a second topic. “I don’t think that they are following this problem again, he says.
But that doesn’t even mean gravel threats would not be on the horizon. Indeed, the SohestberGH shows that Davivwriter David Keppp already a idea in mind for a potential sequel. “If we are happy enough to succeed in order to resume this story, Dedid has a good idea, “, the Szardberg.” I don’t want to jins jinung, but it would be a better-older problem for them. ”
Claudette Barius / Focus Feature
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Betll agreement, the requested the first that the time one follow the own ward I became the own, when the project was on the table.
While he can’t share the specs, shacerghn notes that the concept for a second film creatures around the scope of Black bags Events. “The idea that David and this idea of the fact, it is a consequence that they have made the action (and James just kissed. You don’t let the James don’t work onto the idea of how these circles do you go back.”
In the mean, fassers suggesting and a handlers intended that the vehicles continue their own “black bag” in their lives. “Black sac is an analogy for marriage,” the fassestender.
“You always tell the truth? What piece will you hold back, and is that to protect that for your significant other? It’s an interesting concept.”
Claudette Barius / Focus Feature
“I don’t think it’s unhealthy, for each of us to have a piece of ourselves that is just for us,” Anyone will be lost in other people and that is complicated that other people is ultimately. So there’s a risk. ”
Both men also suggest that the idea of a “black bag” is even more useful outside the marriage or relationship. “Black bag is a separable idea if they are forced or they are by what they do for employing this troop,” Soderbergnth notes. “Whether a normal couple should give in the whole license that cultivates a complete separate existence that is an open question.”
Claudette Barius / Focus Feature
“It can be used in daily life, even outside of the hazel,” concludes fasters. “There is always these people who like, ‘good, I just say it’s as it is. I always tell the truth.’ And I’m like, ‘No, you’re just a dick.’ So, black bag is in everyday life. ”
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