Bianca roses had blood from their nose on ‘survivors 48’ Exit

  • The Survivors 48 Player statements recognizes why she told the Cedrek over lost vote.
  • Bianca meaning she would have voted if she had their vote.
  • There was crying. Much and a lot of crying.

Everything was on angry Survivors 48 this week. That’s, the name that came that in a parceliturement when the prices came, that was that from Biana worship. The Jersey girl became the second player this season through a living state on a journey and was bought business as the detention.

Bianca said to sleep the Cedrek Mcfefadden over their lost votes, when the cedress has not appeared, then her torghy didn’t come. We caught up with bianca to get the full scoop on their oyster and when she is meaningful on that journey that will cost the game.

Bianca mad at ‘survivors 48’.

Robert Volles / CBS

Entertainment weekly: You have unconditionally revealed. Tell me your reaction how you saw your name?

Bianca roses: Yeah the first time I saw my name first time when I knew was a hunger. I knew I was done for, and you see me put my head and my hands. I just knew it was over and I was just destroyed. I took a risk that didn’t work, and I felt, as I felt it, I thought it was thinking it was just hearted. I’m still upset about it.

You rip crash by your torch and cry while walking. When did you stop crying? Howl You stopped crying?

I was just so upset. I was going while my exit when I say my good-bye so God would like them, for this. My nose begins to shiver blood at a point. I just went out in a hot mess. So the sheer really didn’t stop because once I am on POnderosa and I saw the Thomas – Immediately tears. It was a time of crying.

Bianca mad at ‘survivors 48’.


So you were the cloverx up your nose or what?

Oh my god. I remember that one of our producers like: “Can we get this girl a tissue?” And they have nothing. So have their a Sanklass clean and clean up – one of the wipe for your sunglasses. I was like, “I’ll take everything right now. This works.”

What was the rest of the night as if you have on pondersia and you try to process any information and emotions?

Oh my god. And you don’t know what really went down, right? At ponderosa, you can only assume and guess and chatting and with what could have happened. But I don’t even know who voted for me. I had a feeling. But the thomas can see – he has got to be right now immediately. I’ve seen him dead but before the same time, right, right, it’s just who beautiful, nice togun, and I reshape operal.

How has your mom take it?

My mom is still here. She was with me last night. Obvious, they are crying. Everyone, they are so proud of me. I am proud of myself. You try your best. I’ve played so hard. I have taken a risk that didn’t work but I’m so proud of myself and are really proud of me.

Shauhin Davari and Biana roses on ‘survivors 48’.

Robert Volles / CBS

Tell me about the decision to say the Cedrek to say about not having a vote?

Okay, so I think honest what it went down to be the one thing I went out, I didn’t have it – but then you’re in the game, you are in the game howl to do – and it’s trust. You need to build confidence in work with people to make it farther in this game. And it’s so easy to say that someone does not trust, but you need to.

It’s a delaadge the gold of surviving and the long-fish game. And I told him. I took a credited risk to himself to hearing my Wesi, He didn’t write for a set heat. I didn’t think it was difficult to persuade him to persuade her but I wanted to get me a little checker and get back to camp and get a person to camps come to the camp.

My number is gone. Thomas is nowhere to find. I was just trying to do me and not to an appt with a little drifts to the fuses. I knew we’re on the brink of it and it didn’t work. And it’s so easy to sit on the couch and to be, why would you tell him? “I was there a million times but at the end of the day I did what I thought I was doing. And it’s gonna be ain’t flushed. I’d be a new number. It would have been a new number. It would have been awesome. It would have been awesome. It would have been awesome. It would have been awesome. It would have been awesome. It would have been awesome.

Thomas Krottinger and Bianca mad at ‘survivors 48’.

Robert Volles / CBS

How much did this decision have you had you in the last nine months? Have you waked in a cold sweat in the middle of the night?

Yes it is called the 3:00 pm Survivors Panic. If you were asleep, one hour’s sephorts at night and then you are at 3:00 am you on any decision you have done and why it should be different. I literally runs on two hours of sleep from last night and adrenaline now, I feel like I can be back on the island again.

Of course I don’t stand you out, bianca. Talked from that, I don’t understand the voice. What do you know what happened in things? Because it looks like the Cedrek Chryky, but then Mitch Value Sai and I am like, “is that,” is that a security sport? Or is he not on the plan? ” What do you know about what happened?

Honestly Dalton, make it sense. Make it sense! I dont know. And I have looked cedrek like a hawk. I was the crazy eyed, panic Survivors Player, and I certainly that he didn’t talk to anyone. So I don’t know, it doesn’t make me sense to me and I’ll be waiting for it. Make it sense!

Bianca Roses, Kamilla Coolnsu and Justin’s Pippi is ‘survivor 48’.

Robert Volles / CBS

What would you do if you’ve made your voice? Which side would you go?

I was like, “Oh, you are in the best place.” Did I had a voice! I could go either one way. My brain was like: Works with Cedrek and Sai, because we go to the fusion and now it is Civa Versus Lagi. So we just turn this Civa numbers. Such my brain was like, are definitely working with Cedrek and Sai.

However, I guess there may be a world I was working in the mitch and chrissy and chrissy only when I just felt like “Sarrek as simple as simple as a warm mess.” This was able to get a way against a way. However real but I would like to go with Cedrek and Sai, just to keep this Civa numbers low.

So you’ve got all the challenge a couple of weeks a couple of weeks Why did you turn up the one who is the one out of lagi?

Yes, if we had as much discussions. The trunk actually decides that Thomas and I am the travel-go. That was a decision that has been done. And it’s hard to fight you want the friction not to cause. You don’t want to be that is like, “actually no, you are going to. “So that it was a kind was started early.

I didn’t mean to go on this trip. No. I say it, and they show it: Rules over. So no, I didn’t mean to go. But you also inside, and you have given this game and share it and other responsfers. And I have been signed in, right? I am signed up for curveballs at any time. But John, I don’t have deciding to go down. That was a stem-off decision.

Bianca mad at ‘survivors 48’.


So if you have received a choice to play or not play on the journey, what would you have done?

I wouldn’t have my vote not at risk – ever. Unless I could see a puzzle because I cry puzzles cry. If there was anything I really adore you … but it doesn’t. And I thought about it for a while before I was on the boat and I was like, “I will risk my voice or not?”

Because I’m pretty first 47 and 48 are the first seasons where you don’t have a choice. You at risk of risk. And we obviously don’t have 47 not visible. So I knew I’m on the trip, but I thought I thought it was more from the prospective, “Oh, ie a absolute of a don’t even have a choice for my vote and now it’s gone.

I ask you the same question I asked Thomas. If there was no trunk teeth and Lagi went, with the Tribal Council, what was happening?

So Rerbel LOK love to give Sat to for now, as he wanted to take today, but the four of us were relatively tightly balanced, but the four of us were comparator. So I just had to work with them and they would never do eva ever.

So it had to have had Star. However, I had had My sugts have I started to have been brought, all of the ricories, and she was so fortile and she was as strongly that called theater, and I was as low, and I was as low, and I was as well.

Dalton Ross

What was it like in that immunity challenge with Eve and Joe and that moment are together?

I think the viewers can relate. It’s like other than all that we ever saw SurvivorsIn the. IIt was powerful, it was emotional, it was really intense, and it was a really amazing reminder of me outside: you know one’s story. You never know their full story. And it was really hard to experience that on such emotional level and learn about her after her after they spend so much time with her and then return to the game mode.

And i will also be in the top of the emotions about it that affects the match. Joe and Eva has now uncovered for all this connection. So I think so many different ways. How does the magnifices my game belongs to ahead. Still only moving important moment.

Eva Errickson and Bianca mad at ‘survivors 48’.

Robert Volles / CBS

Close in writing actually that everything happens that it is not letting it don’t let the TV desires that we want to see that.

In this loose epdress it becomes as much as because she is occurred with CEDKKKK and whom they don’t show it. There was the relationship and why I choose a homes for him-between just the only thief, and he said, didn’t say that because he said doesn’t say it that wasn’t saying it that said it didn’t say it for it. D ” is?

Also I told the Cedrek, “Sai Gun for you. I tried to say Sai, ‘I want with you two, and she’s trying to get you.” I had a very good case for myself as I told me Cedrek.

Oh I also hunt the idol at Civa Beach too. The second thomas has gone – and I said that, they just expressed – Jeff asked me: “What do you do that?” And I was like, “kamilla or kyle had an idol. There’s no shot that they don’t have.” So I went back to Civa and I was like, “that idol is on the grabs. Let’s go, baby, baby.” And I have been watching it for a long time, but obviously not found.

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