When it comes to SurvivorsJeff samples can not contain themselves on a single accomodation. His Propertics are all mastered about the show:
“The trunk was talking.”
“Come in!”
“Again, immunity is back for the tombs.”
“You thief!”
“That’s how you do it Survivors!”
Ok, we stop. The person is that, problemst has a very bag full of impossible lines that are identified with the host. But why is he have any fun? We have talked with the occupation Survivors 48 – Which premiere 3. 26 on CBS – in FCJI just days before the game started, and asked the participants, what the chlapra would try. Do you read and then look up, though it actually actually do it right.
Star to momey
Robert Volles / CBS
I asked myself, because after Q hit the “you can cancel Christmas,” I was like, “Well, what will be mine now?” I’m from Atlanta, ga. But my nationality is African. I’m lixiously. One thing that tell liberal people to get the vibes, then we are like, “YEANAH, YEANAH, YEANAH!” That means: “You are here. I’m here I’m paste. What’s going on. What’s going on? What’s going on?” So just know when I say “Yeaanah, Yeaanah, Yeaanah!” – Especially when I win – that means it’s time.
Thomas Krottinger
Robert Volles / CBS
I love my friends and they keep me honestly, and I have a little too much crumbling. They’ve highlighted this and they are like, “you go to national television and you have a job you don’t lose, so let’s let us repugues a few words.” And there is one word that i used too much and i will replace it ding-dong Because I don’t think I can be canceled for someone who calls a ding-dong. So ding-dong will probably come out of my mouth when I’m on my lowest of the downsagen and I will not try to ruin my life. It is an ephorism, and I’ll just give you a principle that it is a word in the European culture and in the hydter community we will benefit me. It is very erect Jayne Energy.
Bianca roses
Robert Volles / CBS
So my best friend Jill and I have to look after Survivors Because we were eight years old, age, 24 years. And we watched too Holidays in the sun Grow a lot with Mary-Kate and Ashley and Megan fox. And there is a scene and Holidays in the sun If the entire family gets on atlantis and drop their bags. And we said this whole life when we’re getting new of that – it sounds like the father says, “We are monthly to month.” And he does not say that at all. But if even though we would come somewhere, we can be like, “We are here for a month.” So I’m gonna bring that on the show. If I go into my stem somewhere I’m just going to say, “We are here for a month.”
David Kins
Robert Volles / CBS
I work for this marvel stunt show. It just wrapped, and I have a day off that in the middle of an expression of an expression of an expression and it’s just a different person, as well as I just want to do that, “I want to do that everyday” and cited captain America of the movies. They obviously love, and they wait for me to do to show that and see if it makes it on TV. That’s my goal, to throw a little notes that on the show that I came in.
Kamillas Mapphipesu
Robert Volles / CBS
I have already scheduled it. I want to try and so much to sneak Assessed Votelines as I can and SurvivorsIn the. Assessed Is online video game and all the characters have skills, and they say the voice lines when they use the skills. Some of them are like “Hope so, hope you … Morning … Hey, nice work.” All this voice lines I’m knocking into the game. There are something, there aren’t really not easy to be. “Have the junch” – I can be that to all. It doesn’t seem natural. And I think I will crack me because the character is the voices, it’s this great Russian dude and that is not me. I’m not Russian, in case you don’t tell you.
Joe Hunter
Robert Volles / CBS
My inner phrase would be “found.” And “found it” can be around something centrally. It could be someone bad attitude and I am like, “found.” Or i travel over something – “found.” Or I am in trouble with another player – “found.” Therefore, it is perfect.
Sai Hugley
Robert Volles / CBS
I say that in my daily life is a fun a fun question and I try to use the profanes as much as possible, but Hoooie mamasIn the. Everyone is a hoochie mama. I don’t care for when you are a girl, boy, or no matter what you are a hoochie mother with me. And if I don’t want to use your name, you give a hoochie mama.
Justin Pippi
Robert Volles / CBS
My father’s friend phil says “jackpot!” a lot. He likes in frequinnoshoos and him is still looking for this jackpot 40-pluses 40- So I can give him a little hem, call him out. It’s Goofy, but I say myself, if you say anything only something, “Oh, jackpot!” and nice add up accent on it.
Eva erixeson
Robert Volles / CBS
They call this epides according to the people who said people said so my friend and I was, “We have to come with different sentences that are coalty.” And so I say, what I want to say to “pulling someone else who is the Priest Master,” I want to be it “They are all in her head than the Ratsagna!” I’m ready for there to be there for a episode that is with the title Ratatouille – something.
Kevin leaving
Robert Volles / CBS
The enforcement I want to say, and I say much, because sometimes I’ve heard me as a bad duckling when they are like, “Oh wow,” NO, “no, I was a honest duck a long time ago. “So they are using that in an alliance, and coin it’s malicious.
Charity nelemen
Robert Volles / CBS
I will be like being, “I’m here with a bunch of chickacrits.” Chickacrit is my code word. The story of Chickacrits is of a YouTube video where a father’s little daughter has read the writing name and she tried to say “I had a great time while tricking while trick. I had a lot of faking.” But the way she wrote it out so that father has it “I had a grease tim while I’m chickacrit,” and chickacrit is just this on, chickacrit? ” What is exactly how “What’s up, friend?” Or “how are things?” So I try to slip the chickacrits and there so my people know that I think of them.
Mitch Gorara
Robert Volles / CBS
An accommodation I’ve ever said is, “It’s not the peer pressure, it’s just your turn.” So I say that a lot with a bunch of the college of the college when we ever drink and hang out. But one will try and hearts hugs. “We here here and we say so much as much as I am. And as much as I is like,” Hey, “Hey, we’re here SurvivorsWe are going to get a good time. ”
Mary toeng
Robert Volles / CBS
Can I tell three? The first one is, if someone is really, annoying me and I try to be diplomatic to National TV, I’m going to say, “Wow,” WOW, there’s just as much variety of the human value. ” And then the second I want to say is, “You have to pay to play.” Then and one third one is told one of my customers. He said, “If you rock my flux you have to go.” I was thinking about that.
Kyle Fraser
Robert Volles / CBS
This is a no brainer. I have that dog and me. Many athletes tells it. It’s like, “How could you break the last tacker and get in the end zone?” I have that dog and meIn the. If I win a challenge that’s 100 per cent I say. I guess my friends will appreciate home, it will appreciate, so.
Stephanie Beverver
Robert Volles / CBS
I have a pretty iconic snort. I think that is going on in this season in this season. If there is a snort’s mounting for me, honest it is a million dollars. A million hearts, a million cords. I live for that.
Cedrek McFadden
Robert Volles / CBS
Before I left, my 17 year old son tell me, “ball out and fun SurvivorsIn the. “But the word he is always said is” Yolo. “And I don’t know, but I know now, but I know now: You only live once in a few point, maybe I’m from a tower and the Jaw jaw, i’m going “yooo!”
Chrissy Sarnowysky
Robert Volles / CBS
I have a group of childhood friends. There’s 18 years of age, and we go away every year. I was 18 as we started. We started as softball team, and our softball team name was the first name. So I say in my mind, I say, “man, they have a lot of how much.” So I try to use the word do as And when my girls see it, they know I think about them.
Shawin davari
Robert Volles / CBS
Maybe “I’m a social chemistier” – something like that. Or “I know what Concocom to mend.” I had a real reporting someone, which means “” the gerip so height here and a test is a test “or something like to test something.” Or something than such. But that’s just stupid.
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