The stars were not bever for Stephanie Bever Survivors 48In the. The astrorobry enthusiastic was turned to the Tribmatat Soughley too much in the sky carefully and as in the reality, it’s revealed in reality.
How did Steph be handled the first one out and what was it when she looked at her, look at her in place back on TV? When did the issues starting sai? We’ve caught up the morning for the morning after their televised oyster for snorting it … I think Type It’s all out.
Robert Volles / CBS
Entertainment weekly: Have you spent more or less time to watch the stars since your time Survivors?
Stephanie evil: What if i said the same time? I’m still intentionally and the astrology Tickok, but talk to the physical stars or astrology stars
And any serious, no one wants the first one after three days, especially after they spent all, try to get the time to get the show. How did you do this in the immediate voice and then over the months since?
I guess, so I hear myself to Jeff. I look at him and I are like, “Must be someone, right?” That is the match. Dalton. Someone needs to go out and mathematically one must go out first. I mean where I came since it was like: There must be someone and it must be me. I get an opportunity that a disappear little number of people on the planet the earth would do. And if you stab yourself on that and when you remember how special this is, and you also come to experience as special the Survivors Community is, you just may not have been needed very long.
You are protested and you must move through all the emotions, right? It is a grievance process, the way you do something mourning. But you come until the end and you are just like, “man, what a cool thing I need to do.” And you are in a room full of hundred people visit with your name, who are so excited, even if you are 3th place in a refund of place in a refund game shows and you are loved. ”
Robert Volles / CBS
Hey, everyone says they always want to see the first boot season. No one is talking about a second Boot season, Stephanie so may this ticard to the island back.
I guess I’m doing and play the same strategy? Will I go and play something very different? Now everyone knows that I’m a girl chief so I don’t hide this part of me. But yes, you can go back to another season.
You had the great Premiere view event and New York City City’s last weekend. What did you feel? Were you looking forward to watching the premiers? Were you a little worried about how it all was?
I am sorry. CBS has decided to throw i it A party? They threw me a massive party with this awesome install. I have camie and Tony and Sandra in a crowded. That’s the coolest thing on the planet! That is incredible! Again this is something that need to do as few people. Like a huge exciting and cool opportunity.
Obviously you are a little nervous. You are like, “What is about to happen to me on the big screen?” But I trust me. I trust that I’ve played the way I’d like to play and I played in a way I feel proud. You can be proud of a loss. How do Jeff properly say at the beginning? He’s like “failure in the pursuit of something great – that’s still worth it.” And I really felt that. And I think that someone ever played the game has this attitude and the thought of it.
Robert Volles / CBS
When did you know that you and the Sai just don’t click? I remember to visit your camp two two and i could say you cant click, but how did it hit you?
I think I felt honestly, I would have hard time clicking almost each other -Railly have these what I would describe how fruitless conversations would like to describe. Do you go and pull justin, and I know how many seats are there in Luigi. We have Ki-cities, we chit-chatted. I knew the name of his mother. I’m rightly walked that he might have some secrets that he keeps on the island.
I spent time with each individual person. So I really felt like I can get to know the pitch for them but I could never be moved, don’t have motionary cost. And that was really strange. I couldn’t be over why no game talk to me. And so that there is only just date, there was of principle ill-imal-ventions and could be disilos and a bit of cheviving. And so you are sitting there like “What have I done? What’s going on?” And what I don’t know and you see in the show that he was a favor, right? I do not know. In I think this is a gire, and their solidifying and their alliances slaughter into the relationships in relationships, especially so as a kind of fire wash.
So it’s not just Sai, I had a hard time with lots of people but I just think you can be a variable you don’t really tell Survivors is people. And I get a lot of people who have been in my regular life in a lot of different scenarios. I’m practicing fire, I’m lightlessless, I am on the mutinity, I will come around, but you now understand the five person if you know exactly the people, and it doesn’t do you.
Robert Volles / CBS
You must have the challenges because of the puzle, but I was a time and you currently learning as a tip to the pump. You really have it on the crate, e and you actually stumbled that while watching that with chat and it didn’t make the last cut.
I know! We were so so far behind and it is a television, it’s changed. They have to create a little tension there. They have to seem to seem as though we are doing better than we are. And then it’s a larger defeat if we don’t do it on the last couples of pairs. But we were great between and, and Kevin is more hurt, I think, as well as in the episan on eques. And then he and I’m also jugged to the puzzle. The puzzle pieces are hard! It’s hard to puzzle that with four good weapons on no food, then three, then beat sun, your heart is going 175 because you just pick up all these things. It’s already hard. And we made it with three guns!
And again, the mute too difficult and we had a good haamable. And there is quite a few college athlete on my season. Good for them. I tasted cigarettes and s — with my friends on the bank outside my gutter for all college, but none of them on my trunk.
You are also a tactical mistakes. If you had the crate a platform, you only do two and then three people are pushing it when you have needed at least four.
We have too many people on the rope and insufficient people at the crate.
That’s just bad judgment. And I know I was a part of it. And that happens. You make these decisions so fast and some people, “I want to go there and play as it’s my second time.” I think that one of the benefits you play your second time you look at a challenge and you are like, “Oh,,” Oh, we have to be four people on the knate and then a person’s above. ” However, however it is already doing.
Robert Volles / CBS
Don’t see, the mood to come and use your scrap and under darkness but Maria, Legit has legit has legited when your name came up. Why was she so surprised?
You see the clip of me watching Mary like, “I’m worried.” And I’ll call up to the Mary to watch me, “girl, if you’re worried, you will be stuck you,” I don’t know you, “I don’t know you,” I don’t know you, “I want to play your shot, don’t want to play, play, play, play it.”
Look when I said I couldn’t do and do the shrew. The first three days are you outside, you just collects data to people, and when people don’t peel with you, they are schedule against You. That is the game. And so it was very clear for me, they are fading against me because no one was that scheme robbers I. And I go the little apology when we come back to the camp and I feel bad but the thing is, it is also a data point. No one was like, “Steph, we have you. We are not worried.” That’s not how they give it up. People can’t make eye contact with me if I do that. It was so obvious. And I went out to know that there are real inappropriate material when you play your shot and when not to play. And on that point I knew that it was time to play it.
After you take your torch, how are you feeling from your trunk mate? Were you to root them in the game or are you rooting for them to vote?
I have not to say these diftific memory of saying something sassy because I was like, even when they work together, they are so fracture. And the culture is not like a team culture. It’s not a tribal culture. And I was like: If I say something Sasny, it will be a thing to be a thing to rally. It will give them something to root against it. And I was like: I don’t give them nothing. Let them take up everything. Let them f – ing spiral himself. Let them make their way into the merger.
And that is also the game, however, you do not want to play with me. Okay, then I don’t want to play with you and I roots for you. You leave the game and your ally from the game are your proxy in the game and that’s who you root. And so I was drenched. I know where the saw voice came. I wouldn’t be a hundred percent so that that it was Maria. I was hopefully, but I was not a hundred percentage. But I don’t root for them. No, they were won’t play with me. I don’t roots for them after this. Come, I am a great person, but I’m not that large of a person.
Robert Volles / CBS
Thank there, there are two stehanected to end this season to occur this season until not long enough for them. This is the true tragedy here.
Dalton, We were robbing. This is such a good news to what’s some agreement, it has a few ad Eship state and, the quashion have got the quash. I’ll send it to you offline.
And I won’t do you that you have selected your punishments first. You don’t have to go to the weapons house for 24 hours or are at Pelonton while everyone is terrible. You’ve suffered enough, Stephanie.
Thank you. And honestly, I am just being glad we’re saving the star, do not smoke for two years. I’m just going to make a public service.
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