Jeff probSP says ‘survivors 48’ is all about partnerships

Survivors Harm was their part taken by Dynamicon over the feces. Sometimes, that requires the form of a monitoring (Boston Rob Mariano and Amber Brkich), and another Fishclos (Malcolche) but work wonder in the game.

Well, according to the host juff samplest, we are about to see some more key tooth in the game when Survivors 48 Prevents Feb. 26 on cbs. “A thing I mean is a little unique about this season is the number of partnerships that form rather early and as different,” the host Entertaining weekIn the. “There were the partnerships that are very available and there are partnerships who are very private. There are partnerships where it almost people are.”

Of course, not all partnerships stop working so well, and probable clues we see a lot so that things are unknown Survivors 48In the. “That’s a lot of the country is working for the country, these partners are work, and they are everyore, where the same sectors of both peoples, he gets into progresses” you come to proximate “. But he come to proxime play? What is our worth system? Is it the honor, being, integrity, or is it confidence as much as you think you can? ”

Solounia “Sai” Hugley and Stephanie Berger on ‘survivors 48’.

Robert Volles / CBS

The host says we see both ends of the partnerships pigs, and use this season and use past examples to illustrate the polar opposites. “It’s leading a lot of history:” Sress it, and it’s really fun, because if you open on the history of partnerships on the history of partnerships. SurvivorsYou have examples like dom and turn in which were so loyal. They stayed at the end until the end and has a tie vote. And then you’re looking at Charlie and Maria, they were loyal, as they decided not to be, and you can’t argue that Charliipup doesn’t have won. ”

He goes back even more than that. “You can go all the way back to Parvati and Russy – a partnership has happened no one happened, and PARVATI has been the best of Russell. But, it wasn’t the one’s relationship with the Russian Key as you mostly do these decisions in the first few days and if you’re right, there’s a big move and if you may be wrong you’re in a hole you are from a hole you have made of a hole, you have from a hole? ”

The problem is so evenly enthusiastic about the players lack the way, which or may not in the landscapes for anticipated in the affected affiliated. “You all have someone,” he just got out as one example, “filling so much confidence she is shared that, so that we weren’t the first to be wrong, and may not be first. That’s how they came into the game and the game, you believe all in love with yourself. Then you have a guy like David, who is one of the five greatest guys we’ve ever had on the show. He had such a lot of confidence that annoys antops of any. He Can’t wait for you about all his greatness. But you gig just a little deeper and he quickly brings it all the virler’s prices it’s a lot of uncertainty and that is not part of the work. ”

Thomas Krottinger and Bianca mad at ‘survivors 48’.

Robert Volles / CBS

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Sample then move in a few people to keep an eye in the lagi stem. “One of the games that I’m so happy is on the show this young woman, Eve, who has been the carries, ‘really was born,’ really you can be the best you can hope for your daughter for your daughter for your daughter for your daughter for your daughter for your daughter for your daughter for your daughter for your daughter for to marry someone else because that’s what their life was. ‘ And her parents said: ‘We are not satisfied with that, so we dig.’ Well, cuts for Eva now – she is a phd candidate, the Men’s Hanckey in the university played, and is now SurvivorsIn the. It’s already a fairly inspirational story. ”

Eva may not even be the physical person on their stem, because she shares the lagi beach with a previous UCLA Football Star “Joe type looking like the rock,” says samples. “Him is a single father, a firekings, and all that wants to be a good example for his carts. That’s the first thing, is it” I’m saying here, ‘it’s History with that.

The host indicates that the just four out of 18 stories are waiting for. “I think there are a lot of people to root to root or curious and looking at this game to look at this game.” Whether they are in a partnership or not.

#Jeff #probSP #survivors #partnerships

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