Inneregins Franchise Director Damien Leone has confront controversy and sparking debate with a message on his facebook on Monday.
“I want a very important statement about the Inneregins French and sometimes prevailing opinions that is very true. I am all for freedom of speech and expression. ”
Then lie thin: “That said, Inneregins is not in any way of shape or form a political franchise. I don’t go to the filmmakukkaking to giving a politician or any (political) arepirs or ideologies, especially by a killer clown movie. I am in love with horror movies as a form of purer entertainment and those are the movies I want to do. “
Leone, the three films and clown Slash’s franchise and seven general strength, art, art the clown (David Howard like Inneregins 1, Our goss and crews and crises and crises are composed of both reatab and Demoxcles and user set and offer an agent spirit. That’s also for our Fan basis. ”
“If this is not well sitting with any fans or cast / crew members that is your right and I definitely isn’t you buying a tick and you don’t have to work on this movies. Thank you and I don’t advise you toxic rhetoric on either side of the political spectrum of a Inneregins Fan. “
Leone’s Post Circulatte far from social media plasterforms, where the fans are strongly mature the message of the director. Some fans argues that when every horror movies have an inherent political dimension, the Inneregins Movies Traffic and Explicit Political Topics, showing a scene Terrifier 3 In which lain Lavara’s Sennna is a Christ,-like Figure Crown when a crown of thorns is placed on her head.
Reps for Leone, Lavara, and thoronton did not answer immediately Entertaining week‘S Request for Comment.
Santiago Felipe / Getty
Others speculated as to those Inneregins Cast and crew with “extremely” and “often heh” opinions that the leone are referred to. Many pointed for posts from Thornton that is open and expressing his left.
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Hours After Leane’s Post, Thornon Has Simithing Two Messages With His Follower Driving someone who is raised around the Germans that I’ve been upset what I continue to stay that doesn’t like that , You can scroll. It’s as easy as that. ”
The other post has the thornton’s wish “a break from this one.” “We’re for some really bad times. I’m tired of being tired of the paved and bullies,” he wrote. “I said, my piece and you know where I am standing. Hopefully we can go through this time of troubleshoes. Stay for what I am really dangerous and do I know
The Leone engaged with some of the disagreement of its original post when he left it on X Monday morning. If one of Leone’s actions shared: “I feel that this is discharged in a reply to some of the LGBTQ ADTOCACY is lately on his description.
“It’s definitely not because I agree with his attitude about that,” he wrote. “Who do you think, Di Shirs all our LGOTQ Writs Crew member are, they like to be, they like to be respected and encouraged with us.”
In response to another user, who is expressed himself and homosifies m says is my team who killed himself Inneregins consists of both republican and Democrats and this franchise isn’t ficked for either as long as you are a good person. ”
The Leone has shared 29. January, a fourth Inneregins Movie “is in the works,” after independent Terrifier 3 debuted to no. 1 In Box Office this last October, above the Mega-budget Card Clown Connective Joker: folia with twoIn the.
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