There was an emotional moment just before the last fire of truths ceremony on The trades The seasons 3 Final Walldalagated Wall Alar’s NUMBERS FINAL GOBY WEADY WEADY A seem SO EASTIFY QUESTION: “What would look for you?” What would herd? ”
“It makes me emotional,” the gabby replied. “Just because I think of my girlfriend and I feel like she is so proud.”
“So that would be a lot that this money will take home for her?” Cuming asked.
“Yes,” reply gabby. “It would mean so much. Like, maybe we could marry.”
GDUBBy – Threfine-Torine with Sylan Eronia, Aran, with which four-congratulated after the following season has been demonstrated a firm and the comment, during the last yearly
Eric McCandless / Disney via Getty
So, was The trades Finally paid for this wedding?
“No!” The gabby tells Entertaining week The day following their great reality TV victory. “I haven’t seen a dime. I don’t have a penny.”
Even though Gabby’s Institutions PAYOUT – about $ 50,000 after the gap – is supplied, they should have more than enough to cover the cost. “We’ve got the premium package,” said sirkircircies for the nique, “what $ 799 Capation is” so I still have to spend as $ 49.300 for when I have ever seen. ”
Ew caught up with Gabby, dolores and ivar after the great win – we can only do the Dylan and the Social Media videos with Boston Robe – to get Institutions endgamame.
Euan cherry / peacock
Entertainment weekly: Was anyone to choose the red bag at the fire of truth? Will anyone admit to think rather hard about it?
GABBY WAITING: Yes just for the drama.
Ivar Monthly Bates: No one did not.
PAKE CATANIA: Me either. Thing of the fact, I have made the color of the suffocation so many times. That would be me to choose the wrong color.
Ivar: Yes, I think I’d be sure very happy to an end ..
What if you have all in the fire of the truth of the truth to exit someone you thought was a tractor? Whom would have been and why?
Dolores: I think I’d like to take me out at that point. I was so tired of picking the wrong. Thank God I have selected the last tractor to be right. However, I didn’t mean to pick up one more of my friends to throw them out. I couldn’t do it.
Ivar: I guess I’d dorores cool.
Delores: I’ve been forced to choose someone, of course, it was Ivar have been.
Ivar: Dylan said he would be picked you (indicate gabby).
Gabby: Yes the feelings each other.
Ivar: It’s very interesting that it was a real dynamic. We were always suspicious of each other (showing Droleses). And dylan and you are always suspicious.
Gabby: I’ve never been suspicious of Dylan. I would just care about him.
Dolores: ivar, I know you don’t mad at me if I vote for you.
Ivar: No, exactly. I was a safe kill.
Dolores: You were a safe kill.
Euan cherry / peacock
Dolores, what do you do the Britney say you are stoned her to choose the danielle in which rpretable?
Dolores: that was the most ridiculous thing. I couldn’t believe her said That. But this was just Britney, trying do points forgetting because I think she made his nervous, to how she did to make his zeralate who has made the Laby that the Labeelier with her in real life.
Gabby, tell me about your total restless-seemingly eating with the sera. Did this put you more or less on the British like a betrayal?
Gabby: more, definitely. I think I was always nice attention that Britney and Danielle is close so it’s just the most obvious response. Britney type began to talk more and have a larger presence when she was before. So I was really grateful for her loyalty for me to think that we would be together and they will take me to the end until the end and then do you reveal me. But all the time I was like, “Oh, I just know that you are tractor. But thank you.”
Euan cherry / peacock
Since Dylan is not there, what did you guys do guys of his bromancy with Boston rob? He suddenly had the backbasis baseball and they do these cute little videos together. What’s up with that?
Delores: He love him so much. He would be happy when him killed him! Dylan is so hot for Bob. He is like, I would happy when you just maintain me just so I could be of you and I could say that you could have a hand and something. ” It is unreal, this bromance continues.
Gabby: He is a masochist, because the Boston rob is attentive he has just used and Dylan is, Dylan doesn’t care.
Delores: Dylan than: “Oh my God, what an honor!”
Ivar: I think he was processing since it’s upset, is!
Dolores: Don’t try to keep your friend!
Ivar: No, I think that’s one of the reasons why. He was a hero right of the word.
Euan cherry / peacock
Talked of Em … Ivar, you knew who were someone from these people as you showed this game to play this game?
Ivar: No, absolutely none. I think I knew from dyllan, as he kissed by the seem, and I acknowledge of smarking of smarky. Otherwise, absolutely none. And I think that might have helped in some-way I don’t have an intended ideas.
Dolores: dorminsa knew who you were.
GABBY: I’ve also done. RARBBBBBBY HIM APPROVED IN THE RESTAL FOLLES. (Pause) not involved in person.
Ivar: But on the other way around, I don’t know anyone.
Euan cherry / peacock
Delores, you are the first house woman to win. Why do you think franchise fought so much in this game until you?
Dolores: I think housewives usually are a goal because they are by the bunch that people choose and numbers. But that’s really a misunderstanding. I think they should let the housefigiative to let signs and connections because they don’t really know how they are the game that play well. So they are likely to rise the gamer.
Ivar: But you think may, and again, I don’t watch the program but you mean you are many dramas the more likely to be more likely to be more likely to be more likely to
Delloders: Yes, but let them smell for the vote-out. And there is so many drama on the housewives. I will show you a clip before I leave something I did before we’re on time. Can we pulse our pulse where i margards a f – ing lying c —?
GABBY: H! There’s it!
Ivar: You can tell that on the teles? But it would peep, peep, beep. You can’t see that.
Gabby: You would like to know. You would like thanks.
Ivar: In the American version of Institutions In the UK, every other thing is crying.
Dolores: really?
Ivar: Ciara always says: “F — ing this, f – CO that. Piep, Peep, Peep, Piep.” Because they don’t allow it to show it.
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