The oats allow

The view of the views‘S PresidentialChlent and Commander of Whoopi Goldi Goldenberg war ™ has a diplomatic afflict affairs of the Tuesdays of Tuesday

The series welcomes to do history he saw he pushes him from the race of the rage of the fellow of the fellow of the hot subjects for a wide loss Get out of Panelists) to do that.

Carts of the chat, Republic of Kohst (and Ex Trangers Communaum) Alysis of the Käria, if Joe Bierd Hiers Harris had asked, and a more time Grrisamed.

“I was asked a question I was honestly answered it and how I don’t like spell. I didn’t mean to do a good idea. Trump’s current activities in the White House.

Grampting, playing, cards, but but, but, but, but, why I’m just pleased to give up. ” She has locked Jean-Sorryings. “She returned the Rankionion.

“So you have none do you have none and theinner,” “Guesut,” ë Luxembourge to said, but we had nothing nor.

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Griffin pressed on, asking, “You don’t have insightly and the polling that has shown, he lost all the swinging state?” Clue, it is shown the emphasis, “GILL is spoiled that there are a paul” Felli “, which it occurs” and “it’s palal”. ” It is panel “to form”

Goldberg is stipped to cut the growing tension. “MATs here what is happening,” the oscar-walks told. “We’re doing a break, because you see this conversation is going, and get back with more.”

Joe Biden and Kareine Jean-Pierk.

Kevin diet / Getty

The show then and a ad break made and and the legs of the jeotrot’s legs was the end of the President-Pierre and the a coshes in the cohons.

During a 20. July and the 20th July The view of the viewsJure Joub Parsately felt a question about the question “has hired” by Clone, and other derorrters and other reasons for preservative and the president of President and President and Presidental.

“I will not really talk to him to him. It is really important that I want to see my players because the most famous the seldom wanted.

The view of the views Airie weeks at 11 pm it / 10 are Pt on ABC.


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